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Twiggy Wreath with Hearts

For a Christmas decoration that is really unusual, why not make your own door wreath out of some delicate garden twigs? The twigs are easily twisted into a circular shape, then spray them white to create a pretty wreath that will look just as good indoors as adorning your front door. The small beads that are used to make the red hearts look like tiny festive cranberries.

Christmas Ornaments



thin bendy twigs

thin wire (preferably black)

white spray paint

sharp scissors

silver wire (to make the beaded hearts)

30 small red beads (for each of the beaded hearts)

hot glue gun (or strong all-purpose glue)

5 wooden heart decorations

artificial ivy leaves

red ribbon bow

fresh miniature ivy (to wind around the finished wreath)


1. Bend the twigs round to form a circular shape and use short lengths of wire to keep them in place.

Christmas Ornaments

2. Spray the twigs with the white spray paint. You may need to do this in several stages to achieve full coverage. It’s advisable to use the spray paint either outside or in a well-ventilated room.

Christmas Ornaments

3. Using scissors, cut a piece of silver wire approximately 6in (15cm) long and fold in half to form a V-shape. Thread 15 beads on to each end, then twist the ends several times to stop the beads falling off. Bend the ends of the wire down at the top to create the heart shape. Make four more beaded hearts for the wreath.

Christmas Ornaments

4. Use the thin wire to fix the beaded hearts around the wreath. Use the strong glue or a hot glue gun to stick the wooden heart decorations between each beaded heart. Tuck an artificial ivy leaf in the spaces between the hearts, using short pieces of wire to fix the leaves securely in place if you wish. Glue the red ribbon bow to the center of one of the wooden hearts.

Christmas Ornaments

5. Thread strands of fresh ivy around the wreath, tucking the ends into the twigs to keep them in position. Again, you may wish to use short pieces of wire to fix the ivy in place.

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