1. Halloween Jack-o'-lantern
This is the perfect pumpkin project for Halloween, and is ideal for young children to make too. This design, from Decorating Pumpkins & Gourds, is a slightly more unique take on the traditional scary face you're bound to see outside your neighbours' houses this All Hallows' Eve. Shaving and engraving parts of your pumpkin, in addition to the cut-outs, will give you an interesting, two-tone effect, bound to make an impression on trick-or-treaters!
2. Crocheted Mr Pumpkin for Halloween
This Crocheted Mr. Pumpkin from Super Scary Halloween doesn't even need any fancy dress for Halloween! Try it here.
3. Little Gem Nightlights
Little Gem Nightlights also from Decorating Pumpkins & Gourds. For this project you'll need Little Gem pumpkins which are super-easy and quick to work with given their size, and will look fantastic once finished and glowing.

Your little ones are going to love this creepy crawly spider outfit from Sewing Dress-Up. It's perfect for girls or boys. You could even try stripy tights for a colourful costume or make the body from fake fur for a really hairy spider.
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