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Baby Bobble Jacket

This textured cardigan from Baby and Toddler Knits is knitted in a cashmere mix in a soft, dusky pink. The bobble and cable pattern is echoed in the neat garter stitch borders with bobble detailing.



Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino (55% wool, 33% acrylic, 12% cashmere; 125m/137yd per 50g/1¾ oz ball) light DK (sport) weight yarn:

5 (5:6) balls of shade Mink

Pair each of 2.75mm (US 2) and 3.25mm (US 3) knitting needles

Cable needle

5 buttons



To fit ages             3-6     6-9     9-12 months.

Actual measurements

Chest                    60      63      66 cm

23½    24¾    26 in

Length to shoulder 24      26      28 cm

9½     10¼    11 in

Sleeve length         14      16      18 cm

5½     6¼     7 in



25 sts and 34 rows to 10cm/4in square over st st using 3.25mm

(US 3) needles.



Tw4Rb – slip next st onto cable needle and leave at back, k1b,

p1, k1b, then p1 from cable needle.

Tw4Lb – slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave at front, p1,

then k1b, p1, k1b, from cable needle.

Mb – work k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, into next st, turn, p5, turn, k5, pass

2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th st over first and off the needle.

C4F – slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and leave at front, k2,

then k2, from cable needle.



(worked over 23(25:25) sts)

1st row (right side) P7(8:8), Tw4Rb, k1b, Tw4Lb, p7(8:8).

2nd row K7(8:8), p1, [k1, p1] 4 times, k7(8:8).

3rd row P6(7:7), Tw4Rb, k1, k1b, k1, Tw4Lb, p6(7:7).

4th row K6(7:7), p1, k1, p1, [k2, p1] twice, k1, p1, k6(7:7).

5th row P5(6:6), Tw4Rb, k2, k1b, k2, Tw4Lb, p5(6:6).

6th row K5(6:6), p1, k1, p2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k1, p1, k5(6:6).

7th row P4(5:5), Tw4Rb, k1b, [k2, k1b] twice, Tw4Lb, p4(5:5).

8th row K4(5:5), p1, [k1, p1] twice, [k2, p1] twice, [k1, p1] twice, k4(5:5).

9th row P3(4:4), Tw4Rb, k1, k1b, [k2, k1b] twice, k1, Tw4Lb, p3(4:4).

10th row K3(4:4), p1, k1, p1, [k2, p1] 4 times, k1, p1, k3(4:4).

11th row P2(3:3), Tw4Rb, k2, [k1b, k2] 3 times, Tw4Lb, p2(3:3).

12th row K2(3:3), p1, k1, p1, k3, p1, [k2, p1] twice, k3, p1, k1, p1, k2(3:3).

13th row P2(3:3), k1b, p1, k1b, k3, Mb, [k2, Mb] twice, k3, k1b, p1, k1b, p2(3:3).

14th row K2(3:3), p1, k1, p1, k3, p1b, [k2, p1b] twice, k3, p1, k1, p1, k2(3:3).

15th row P2(3:3), k1b, p1, k1b, p3, k1b, p1, [k1b] 3 times, p1, k1b, p3, k1b, p1, k1b, p2(3:3).

16th row K8(9:9), p1, k1, p3, k1, p1, k8(9:9).

These 16 rows form the patt and are repeated throughout.



With 2.75mm (US 2) needles cast on 87(91:97) sts.

K 3 rows to form garter st hem.

Next row K4(3:3) * Mb, k5; rep from * to last 5(4:4) sts, Mb, k4(3:3).

K 3 rows, inc one st at end of last row on 1st and 2nd sizes only. 88(92:97) sts.

Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles.

1st row K15(15:17), work across 1st row of patt panel, k12(12:13), work across 1st row of patt panel, k15(15:17).

2nd row K3(3:4), p4, k4(4:5), p4, work across 2nd row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p4, work across 2nd row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p4, k3(3:4).

3rd row K3(3:4), C4F, k4(4:5), C4F, work across 3rd row of patt panel, C4F, k4(4:5), C4F, work across 3rd row of patt panel, C4F, k4(4:5), C4F, k3(3:4).

4th row K3(3:4), p4, k4(4:5), p4, work across 4th row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p4, work across 4th row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p4, k3(3:4).

These 4 rows set the position for patt panels and form garter st and cable panels.

Cont in patt until back measures 24(26:28)cm/91⁄2(101⁄4:11)in from cast on edge, ending with a wrong side row.


Shape shoulders

Cast off 14(14:15) sts at beg of next 2 rows and 14(15:16) sts on foll 2 rows.

Cast off rem 32(34:35) sts.



With 2.75mm (US 2) needles cast on 46(48:50) sts.

K 3 rows.

Next row K4(3:3) * Mb, k5; rep from * to last 6(9:5) sts, Mb, k5(8:4).

K 3 rows.

Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles.

1st row K15(15:17), work across 1st row of patt panel, k8.

2nd row K4, p4, work across 2nd row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p4, k3(3:4).

3rd row K3(3:4), C4F, k4(4:5), C4F, work across 3rd row of patt panel, C4F, k4.

4th row K4, p4, work across 4th row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p4, k3(3:4).

These 4 rows set the position for patt panels and form garter st and cable panels.

Cont in patt until front measures 20(22:24)cm/8(83⁄4:91⁄2 )in from cast on edge, ending with a wrong side row.


Shape neck

Next row Patt to last 8 sts, leave these sts on a safety-pin, turn and work on rem sts.

Dec one st at neck edge on every row until 28(29:31) sts rem.

Work straight until front measures same as Back to shoulder shaping, ending at side edge.


Shape shoulder

Cast off 14(14:15) sts at beg of next row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 14(15:16) sts.

Mark positions for buttons: the first 3cm/1¼ in from cast on edge, the fifth 1cm/1½ in from neck edge, the rem three spaced evenly between.



Work buttonholes to match markers as folls:

Buttonhole row (right side) K1, k2 tog, yf, k1, patt to end.

With 2.75mm (US 2) needles cast on 46(48:50) sts.

K 3 rows.

Next row K5(8:4) * Mb, k5; rep from * to last 5(4:4) sts, Mb, k4(3:3).

K 3 rows.

Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles.

1st row K8, work across 1st row of patt panel, k15(15:17).

2nd row K3(3:4), p4, k4(4:5), p4, work across 2nd row of patt panel, p4, k4.

3rd row K4, C4F, work across 3rd row of patt panel, C4F, k4(4:5), C4F, k3(3:4).

4th row K3(3:4), p4, k4(4:5), p4, work across 4th row of patt panel, p4, k4.

These 4 rows set the position for patt panels and form garter st and cable panels.

Cont in patt until front measures 20(22:24)cm/8(83⁄4:91⁄2 )in from cast on edge, ending with a right side row.


Shape neck

Next row Patt 8 sts, leave these sts on a safety-pin, patt to end.

Dec one st at neck edge on every row until 28(29:31) sts rem.

Work straight until front measures same as Back to shoulder shaping, ending at side edge.


Shape shoulder

Cast off 14(14:15) sts at beg of next row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 14(15:16) sts.



With 2.75mm (US 2) needles cast on 41(45:49) sts.

K 3 rows.

Next row K5(4:3) * Mb, k5; rep from * to last 6(5:4) sts, Mb, k5(4:3).

K 3 rows.

Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles.

1st row K9(10:12), work across 1st row of patt panel, k9(10:12).

2nd row P1(2:3), k4(4:5), p4, work across 2nd row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p1(2:3).

3rd row K1(2:3), k4(4:5), C4F, work across 3rd row of patt panel, C4F, k4(4:5), k1(2:3).

4th row P1(2:3), k4(4:5), p4, work across 4th row of patt panel, p4, k4(4:5), p1(2:3).

These 4 rows set the position for patt panels and form garter st and cable panels.

Cont in patt as set at the same time inc one st at each end of the next and every foll 4th row until there are 57(63:71) sts, working first 3(2:1) sts into cable panel and the rem sts in reverse st st.

Cont straight until sleeve measures 14(16:18)cm/51⁄2(61⁄4:7)in from cast on edge, ending with a wrong side row.

Cast off.



Join shoulder seams.

With right side facing using 2.75mm (US 2) needles, slip 8 sts from safety-pin onto a needle, pick up and k12 sts up right front, 29 sts from back neck, pick up and k12 sts down left side of front neck, k8 from safety-pin. 69 sts.

Next row K to end.

Beg with a p row cont in st st with 4 sts in garter st at each end.

Next 2 rowsWork to last 15 sts, turn.

Next 2 rowsWork to last 10 sts, turn.

Work to end.

Next row Cast off 2 sts, k to end.

Next row Cast off 2 sts, k next 3 sts, p to last 4 sts, k4.

Next row K to end.

Next row K4, p to last 4 sts, k4.

Rep the last 2 rows once more.

Next row K2, Mb, k to last 3 sts, Mb, k2.

Next row K4, p to last 4 sts, k4.

Rep the last 6 rows once more.

K 4 rows.

Next row K2, * Mb, k5; rep from * to last 3 sts, Mb, k2.

K 2 rows

Cast off.



Sew on sleeves. Join side and sleeve seams.

Sew on buttons.


This project is from Baby and Toddler Knits by Debbie Bliss. To get more blog posts like this one - direct to your inbox - be sure to sign up to our mailing list here.

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