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Hexagon Blanket

This colourful hexagon blanket is one of Nicki Trench's favourite projects from her book, A Beginner's Guide to Crochet. Play with the colours and design your colour scheme—but if you always use the same colour for Round 2, it will really make the contrasting colours stand out.


Techniques used

  • Stitches—single crochet, double crochet
  • Making a hexagon
  • Making clusters
  • Joining squares with single crochet Seams

Blanket Measurements

Finished blanket measures approximately 46 x 46 in. (177 x 177 cm).


Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino (55% merino wool, 33% microfiber, 12% cashmere) lightweight (sport-weight) yarn:

9 x 1.oz (50g) balls—approx. 1233yd (1125m)—of main colour:

  • MC 101 Ecru (off-white)

3 x 1.oz (50g) balls—approx. V (375m)—each of five colours:

  • A 083 Butter (yellow)
  • B 202 Light Blue (pale blue)
  • C 068 Peach Melba (peach)
  • D 018 Citrus (pale green)
  • E 059 Mallard (teal blue)


US size D-3 (3 mm) crochet hook


Each hexagon measures 3½ in. (9 cm) edge to edge using a US size D-3 (3 mm) hook.


Ch: chain

Col: colour

Cont: continu(e)(ing)

Dc: double crochet

MC: main colour

Rep: repeat

RS: right side

Sc: single crochet

sp(s): space(s)

ss slip: stitch

st(s): stitch(es)

yoh: yarn over hook

Special abbreviations

2dcCL (2-double crochet cluster): [yoh, insert hook in sp, yoh, pull yarn through work, yoh, pull yarn through first 2 loops on hook] twice in same sp (3 loops now on hook), yoh and pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook to complete 2dcCL. 

3dcCL (3-double crochet cluster): [yoh, insert hook in sp, yoh, pull yarn through work, yoh, pull yarn through first 2 loops on hook] 3 times in same sp (4 loops now on hook), yoh, pull yarn through all 4 loops on hook to complete the 3dcCL.

Colour combinations

The blanket is made up of a total of 187 hexagons.

Always using MC for Round 2. One of colours A, B, C, D, or E is used for the centre (Round 1) and a different colour (A, B, C, D, or E) for Rounds 3 and 4. The following list gives the colour combinations and specifies how many hexagons to make in each colourway.

Yellow centre (A), off-white (MC), peach (C): 37 

Peach centre (C), off-white (MC), yellow (A): 38

Pale blue centre (B), off-white (MC), teal blue (E): 37

Pale green centre (D), off-white (MC), pale blue (B): 38

Teal blue centre (E), off-white (MC), pale green (D): 37


Hexagon motif chart

Layout of hexagons


To make the blanket

(make a total of 187 hexagons)

See the Colour Combinations on page 85 for which colour to use for Round 1 (centre) and which colour to use for Rounds 3 and 4.

Foundation ring: Using one of col A, B, C, D, or E, make 6ch and join with a ss in first chain to form a ring.

Round 1 (RS): 3ch, 2dcCL in ring, 2ch, [3dcCL in ring,

2ch] 5 times, join with a ss in 3rd of first 3-ch. 6 clusters.

Fasten off.

Cont in rounds with RS always facing you.

Round 2: Join MC (off-white) with a ss in any 2-ch sp between any 3dcCL groups from previous Round, 3ch, [2dcCL, 2ch, 3dcCL] in same ch sp, *2ch, [3dcCL, 2ch, 3dcCL] in next 2-ch sp; rep from * 4 times more, 2ch, join with a ss in 3rd of first 3-ch. 12 clusters.

Fasten off.

Round 3 (hexagon round): Join a contrasting col from A, B, C, D, or E with a ss in 2-ch sp in middle of any “3dcCL, 2ch, 3dcCL” group, 3ch, [2dc, 2ch, 3dc] in same sp (corner), *3dc in next 2-ch sp, [3dc, 2ch, 3dc] in next ch sp (corner); rep from * 4 times more, 3dc in next ch sp, join with a ss in 3rd of first 3-ch. 6 corners.

Do not fasten off.

Round 4: Continue using same col, 1ch, 1sc in each of next 2 sts, 2sc in next ch sp (corner), *1sc in each of next 9 sts, 2sc in next ch sp (corner); rep from * 4 times more, 1sc in each of next 6 sts, join with a ss in top of first sc.

Fasten off.


To join the hexagons

Sew in yarn ends, using a yarn sewing needle.

Use MC to join.

Lay hexagons out on a flat surface to evenly arrange the colours. Using the diagram (left) as an example, alternate hexagons in rows of 12 and then 13, starting the first row with 12 hexagons and ending the last row with 12


Using MC, join hexagons with a single crochet seam (See Workshop 3 in A Beginner’s Guide to Crochet) with seam showing on right side.


To make the edging

With RS facing, join MC in top left-hand corner in 2nd of 2 corner sc at top of first hexagon on first row, 1ch, 3sc in same place as join, work 1sc in each sc along each straight edge, 3sc in 2nd of 2 sc at each corner and 1ss in each seam around outer edge, ss in first sc.

Fasten off.


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