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Chevron and Daisy Scarf


This is a really lovely stitch to use and the wave stitch is fast to work. The design makes a great scarf for men or women. Anyone can try out this simple design at home.





Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran (55% merino wool/33% acrylic/ 12% cashmere, approx. 90m/98yd per 50g/1 3⁄4oz ball) Aran (worsted) weight yarn

6 balls of shade 064 Cowslip

(yellow) (A)

1 ball of shade 101 Ecru (off-white)


Debbie Bliss Rialto DK (100% merino wool, approx. 105m/115yd per 50g/1 3⁄4oz ball) DK (light worsted) weight yarn

1 ball each of shades:

057 Banana (yellow) (C)

101 Ecru (off-white) (D)

3mm (US size D/3) and 4.5mm

(US size 7) crochet hooks

Yarn sewing needle

Sewing needle and off-white thread



Approx. 18.5 x 228cm (7 1⁄4 x 9 11⁄4in)



14 sts x 11 rows over a 10cm (4in) square working wave and chevron stitch pattern, using a 4.5mm (US size 7) hook and Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran.



approx. approximately

ch chain

cont continu(e)(ing)

dc double crochet

dc2tog double crochet 2 stitches together

dtr double treble

htr half treble

patt pattern

rep repeat

RS right side

ss slip stitch

st(s) stitch(es)

tr treble

yrh yarn round hook



 dc3tog (double crochet 3 stitches together): [insert hook in next st, yrh, pull yarn through] 3 times, yrh, pull through all 4 loops on hook

 dtr2tog (double treble 2 stitches together): *yrh twice, insert hook in next st, yrh, pull yarn through, [yrh, pull through first 2 loops on hook] twice; rep from * once more, yrh, pull through all 3 loops on hook

 dtr3tog (double treble 3 stitches together): *yrh twice, insert hook in next st, yrh, pull yarn through, [yrh, pull through first 2 loops on hook] twice; rep from * twice more, yrh, pull through all 4 loops on hook



Using A and 4.5mm (US size 7) hook, make 26ch.

Row 1 (RS): 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in each ch to end. (25 sts)

Row 2: 1ch, 1dc in first dc, *1htr in next dc, 1tr in next dc, 3dtr in next dc, 1tr in next dc, 1htr in next dc, 1dc in next dc; rep from * to end.

Row 3: 1ch, dc2tog over first 2 sts (dc and htr), 1dc in each of next 2 sts, 3dc in next st (centre dtr of 3-dtr group), 1dc in each of next 2 sts, *dc3tog over next 3 sts, 1dc in each of next 2 sts, 3dc in next st, 1dc in each of next 2 sts; rep from * to last
2 sts, dc2tog over last 2 sts (htr
and dc).

Row 4: 1ch, dc2tog over first 2 dc (dc and htr), 1dc in each of next 2 dc, 3dc in next dc (centre dc of 3-dc group), 1dc in each of next 2 dc, *dc3tog over next3dc,1dcineachofnext2dc, 3dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next
2 dc; rep from * to last 2 sts, dc2tog over last 2 dc.

Row 5: 4ch, miss first st, 1dtr in next st, 1tr in next st, 1htr in next st, 1dc in next st (centre dc of 3-dc group), 1htr in next st, 1tr in next st, *dtr3tog over next 3 sts, 1tr in next st, 1htr in next st, 1dc in next st, 1htr in next st, 1tr in next st; rep from * to last 2 sts, dtr2tog over last 2 sts.

Row 6: 1ch, 1dc in each st to end, working last dc in last dtr. (25 sts)

Row 7: 1ch, 1dc in each dc to end.

Rows 8–13: Rep Rows 2–7 once.

Rows 14–17: Rep Rows 2–5 once.

Cut off A, but do not fasten off.

Rows 18–19: Join B and rep Rows 6 and 7.

Cut off B, but do not fasten off.

Row 20: Join A and rep Row 2.

[Rep Rows 3–20] 12 times more, then Rows 3–19 once – work measures approx. 228cm (91 1⁄4in).
Do not fasten off, but cont with A to work edging.



With RS facing and using A and 4.5mm (US size 7) hook, work 2dc in corner, then work dc evenly along row-end edge, 2dc in corner, 1dc in each foundation ch, 2dc in corner, work dc evenly along remaining row-end edge, 2 dc in corner, join with a ss in first dc of last row of scarf. Fasten off.



(make 13)

Using C and 3mm (US size D/3) hook, make 4ch, join with a ss in first ch to form a ring.

Round 1 (RS): 1ch, 11dc in ring, cut off C, join D with a ss in first dc.
Cont with RS facing.

Round 2: 11ch, 1ss in same dc
as last ss, [11ch, 1ss in next dc]
11 times, join with a ss at base of
first 11ch. (12 petals)

Fasten off.



Sew in ends. On flowers, weave yarn end around centre hole to close.

The WS and RS are not hugely different on this scarf, so sew the flowers on either side in the centre of each off-white line, using sewing thread around the tips of each petal and in the centre to secure.


This project is from Crocheted Hats & Scarves by Nicki Trench. To get more fab blog posts like this one - direct to your inbox - be sure to sign up to our mailing list here. 

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