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What type of crafter are you?

Crafting is a fantastic hobby and a career for many. If you love to make—whether you're a knitter, a crocheter, a sewer, a paper crafter, a wood worker, a collager, a quilter, a jewellery maker or something entirely different!—we think we can guess exactly what sort of crafter you are with ten simple questions.

Craft Desk

So, imagine you're about to get started on a new project and work your way through the process, answering each question as it comes. Make sure to go with your first reaction and be totally honest...then at the end we'll reveal your crafty type and a few tips on how to make the most out of your crafting time. 

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  • Mary Coakley on

    Thank you so much but I am not always organised I get great ideas online which makes me more fired up.

  • Joy Jenkins on

    What a surprise! I always thought I was the “wing it”, “fly by the seat of my pants type”. But in an organised sort of way.

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