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Basic Paper-crafting Techniques

paper techniques

Paper-crafting is a great craft to learn. You need very little material or equipment to make some stunning projects, plus it is great for beginners as it is so easy to learn the basics. Master these techniques and you'll be making everything from handmade cards to household decorations.


I use different types of glue for different projects, as well as a selection of adhesive tapes. When using glue sticks, try to find one with clear glue because this type never seems to clog up. Wood (PVA) glue is white when it goes on but dries clear and is a very good adhesive for large areas.

paper crafting techniques

Use a brush or a small piece of card stock (card) to apply it.

Strong, quick-drying glue is clear and usually comes in a tube. You will also need several types of adhesive tape, for instance: masking tape, doublesided tape, and clear tape.



For many projects you need to transfer the template onto paper or card stock (card), using tracing paper. Place a sheet of tracing paper over the template and secure with some masking tape. Trace the lines with a hard

paper crafting techniques tracing

4 (2H) pencil, then turn the tracing paper over and go over the lines again on the reverse with a softer pencil, such as a 2 (HB). Now turn the tracing paper over again and place it in position on your chosen paper or card stock (card). Go over all the lines carefully with the 4 (2H) pencil, and then remove the tracing paper. This will give you a nice, clear outline.



I use a scalpel or craft knife for nearly all my projects. Make sure the blade is sharp and that you always use a cutting mat. When you need to make a straight cut, use a metal ruler and keep the blade in contact with the ruler at all times. Cut toward you, maintaining an even pressure.

Papercrafting techniques cutting 


It is important to score your paper or card stock (card) before making any fold. If it helps, you can draw a pencil line first to help you score in the right place. Place a metal ruler along the line and then score down the line, using the back (blunt) edge of a craft knife or the blunt side of a cutlery knife. Make sure you keep the side of the blade in contact with the ruler.

paper crafting techniques scoring


Now you've mastered the basics, why not try one of the great papercraft projects from A Year in Crafts by Clare Youngs.


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