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Iris Infinity Scarf

Infinity scarves are great for when the cooler weather starts setting in. This one is lined with fleece but you can use satin or cotton for a more lightweight accessory. Simple yet stylish, this infinity scarf is long enough to wrap around your neck twice!

*** We check all our projects carefully, but mistakes do unfortunately slip through occasionally. The updated instructions for the Iris Infinity Scarf in Sewing with African Wax Print Fabric are below. ***


One size fits all
Length: 57in (145cm)
Width: 9in (23cm)
1yd (1m) outer fabric
1yd (1m) fleece or lining fabric of your choice
Matching sewing thread
All seam allowances are ⅜in (1cm) unless otherwise stated

1. Pre-wash and “press” your fabric before cutting and sewing. Cut two pieces of main fabric 30 x 10½in (74 x 27cm), and two pieces of fleece or lining to the same size.

2. With right sides facing, sew both pieces of outer fabric to each other at one of the shorter ends. Repeat with the fleece or lining fabric. You will now have one longer piece of main fabric and one longer piece of fleece or lining.

3. Take both longer pieces and lay them together with right sides facing. Pin, baste (tack), and stitch along both long edges. You now have a tube with raw edges at both short ends. Trim the seam allowance to ¼in (6mm) to reduce the bulk.

4. With the tube still wrong side out, hold up one of the short raw edges and put your arm through the center of the tube. Take hold of the short raw edge at the other end, and pull it through the tube from the inside, until the other short edge meets the short raw edge you are holding. Both short edges are now aligned, with right sides facing.

5. Pin, baste (tack), and stitch around the open end of the tube, leaving a 2” (5 cm) gap in the seam.

6. Pull your scarf out to the RS through this gap. Slip stitch the gap closed.


This project is from Sewing with African Wax Print Fabric by Adaku Parker. To get more free projects like this one - direct to your inbox - sign up to our mailing list here. 

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