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DIY Laundry Bag tutorial

Bring fresh, pretty order to laundry day. Why not make one for each member of the family, to hang in the bathroom or bedroom, ready to receive dirty laundry? Taking the concept to extremes or to an easy conclusion, depending on your point of view, you could have laundry bags to receive white clothes, coloured clothes, hand-washable items, and so on. This way, they can be merely emptied into the machine without having to be sorted out. If you wish, you could stitch monogram initials to each bag to identify the family member it belongs to, or give each person bags in different fabrics or colours. 


You will need:

Two pieces of printed cotton fabric, approx. 24 x 16 in. (61 x 41cm)

One strip of printed cotton fabric, approx. 5¼ x 2 in. (39 x 5cm)

Sewing machine

Matching thread

1 yd. (1m) cotton cord

Large safety pin



1. Place the two pieces of fabric right sides together and stitch around three sides, taking a ¾ in. (1cm) seam. Neaten seam turnings together if desired.

2. Turn over and press a¾ in. (1cm) hem around the top open edges, then turn over a further 1 in. (2.5cm) hem and machine stitch in place.

3. Press a ¾ in. (1cm) hem to the wrong side around all edges of the fabric strip. Starting about 2 in. (5cm) down from the top hemmed edge and at one side seam, pin the strip around the bag finishing back at the side seam. Stitch in place along both long edges of the strip, leaving the short ends open.

4. Using a safety pin, thread the cord through the stitched channel around the top of the bag and knot the ends securely together.


This project is from Home-Made Vintage by Christina Strutt. To get more free projects like this one - direct to your inbox - sign up to our mailing list here. 


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