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Hattie Headband

A lovely little accessory and perfect for styling your hair while keeping it off your face when at the gym or in a yoga class. This is a great stashbuster, too.



Fat quarter of fabric

7in (18cm) elastic, 1in (2.5cm) wide

Matching sewing thread


Cut the following pieces from the fabric:

10 x 3in (25.5 x 7.5cm) strip

17 x 7in (43 x 18cm) strip


All seam allowances are 3⁄8in (1cm) unless otherwise stated


1. Sew the smaller piece together along the long edges, with right sides facing, taking a ¼ in (6mm) seam allowance. Press the seam open down the center. Repeat with the larger piece, using a ½ in (1.3cm) seam. Turn both pieces right sides out and press with the seam centered down the middle.

2. Attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic and thread it through the channel in the smaller piece, keeping hold of the other end as you gather the fabric. Pin the elastic in place at both raw ends and zig-zag stitch to secure it in place.

3. Prepare the larger piece. With the seam facing down, use a pin to mark the center of one end of the strip. Fold both sides in toward the center pin to create a small pleat. Press and pin to hold in place. Repeat with the other end.

4. Place the larger piece with the seam face down. Position the smaller, elasticated strip on top, with the seam facing up. Match the raw edges at the ends and stitch together using a 3⁄8in (1cm) seam allowance. Press the seam allowance then turn the headband over to the right side and it’s ready to wear.

This project is from Sewing with African Wax Print Fabric by Adaku Parker. To get more free projects like this one - direct to your inbox - sign up to our mailing list here. 

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